
Our Connected Business special report, published in The Times

56% of UK workers say productivity is stalling at their company because of outdated technology.

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Remote workers struggle most with staying connected.

Although the new remote-working age offers numerous benefits, it can also pose significant mental health risks. Buffer’s latest State of Remote Work report, based on 3,500 interviewees, shows loneliness, burnout and demotivation are all everyday problems for asynchronous workers.

The intranet, and its constituent technologies, can play a key role in preserving employee wellbeing. Toby Ward, chair of the Digital Workplace & Intranet Global Forum, says: “For some who struggle with mental health, the intranet may in fact be a beacon of connection with other employees, and therefore a means of overcoming any feeling of isolation or struggle.”

However, if technology is going to provide this wellbeing function, it must be accompanied by an enlightened policy at corporate level. Discover how technology can improve mental health working from home today!